Meet Jason, a long-time member of the OAC Community and now a Board member who has discovered a transformative path to personal and professional growth. When Jason first joined the OAC Community, he was seeking a supportive environment to connect with like-minded individuals. Little did he know, he was about to embark on a journey that would positively impact every aspect of his life.

For Jason, the OAC Community is more than just a network—it’s a family. He loves being a part of this vibrant community because of the genuine connections he’s made. “Becoming a part of the OAC Community made me feel that I was not alone. I was accepted,” Jason says. “I want other people to feel the same. People living with obesity need to know that there is an organization that is there to help them through their challenges and internal biases.”

One of the key ways the OAC Community has helped Jason is through its wealth of resources and learning opportunities. Whether it’s attending webinars, participating in workshops, or engaging in thought-provoking discussions, Jason has found countless ways to expand his horizons. He explains, “I joined the OAC Community for the support and educational resources, as well as access to the OAC Resource Library.” His favorite resource is the OAC’s print publication, Weight Matters Magazine, which he receives in his mailbox each quarter and can access all past issues online.

Investing in himself has been a cornerstone of Jason’s journey. He believes that the time and effort he dedicates to his growth are invaluable. “Being part of the OAC Community has taught me the importance of self-love and new friends, which I call my OAC Family,” Jason shares. For Jason, his involvement in the OAC Community is about becoming the best version of himself in all areas of life.

Jason’s experience with the OAC Community is a testament to the power of investing in oneself and the incredible benefits of being part of a supportive network. If you’re looking for a place to learn, connect and thrive, Jason encourages you to join the OAC Community, a decision he says is one of the best he’s made.

Come and be a part of the OAC Community—a judgment-free place where you can belong and thrive in your journey to improved health.

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