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You’re Invited! Your Weight Matters Convention & Expo


August 1-3 • Tampa, FL


Navigating health can be a challenge, but with the help of REAL EXPERTS in health and weight management pointing you in the right direction, you will find the right tools and resources to empower your journey through REAL SUPPORT for REAL PEOPLE!

At this year’s 8th Annual Your Weight Matters Convention & EXPO, the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) wants to help you find the tools you need for your health journey while finding real support! Since our inception in 2005, we’ve devoted our work to providing a unique community where the everyday individual can find a welcoming and supportive place to move forward on

their weight management journey. We are honored to host such a special Convention each year and to offer an environment rich with science-based education, leading experts presenting world-class information, practical tips, tools, guidance and more!

This summer, we are happy to meet you in our hometown of Tampa for a weekend filled with unparalleled weight and health information, genuine support, an open community and brand new opportunities. With great excitement, we invite you to join us at YWM2019 and learn from REAL EXPERTS, meet REAL PEOPLE and find REAL SUPPORT.

What You’ll Experience at YWM2019

YWM2019 is the only place to find this level and quality of education! Real experts break down the latest science into easy-to-understand and practical insight for our attendees. Take advantage of our world-class Program Agenda featuring the following highlights:

  • More than 50 unique topics presented by the nation’s leading experts
  • Practical tips, tricks and tools to take home with you
  • Chances to connect with experts one-on-one
  • Advocacy training sessions designed to help you become a better advocate and prepare to take action


We invite you to discover our EXPO Hall, with a diverse collection of exhibitors featuring the latest products and tools in the industry! The EXPO Hall features a variety of opportunities, including:

  • More than 30 unique vendors from the weight and health industry
  • Time to mingle and connect with other attendees
  • Products, services, samples and more


Our Convention offers a safe space for individuals of all skill levels to participate in the following group exercise classes:

  • Morning walks and runs
  • Aqua Fitness
  • Group Fitness
  • And more


Don’t just listen to the experts talk about weight and health – take the time to dive-in and connect with them! The following YWM2019 special events provide you with the opportunities to choose specific topics and discuss them with our REAL EXPERTS:

  • Breakfast with the Experts (ticketed event – $18/day)
  • Lunch with the Experts (ticketed event – $18/day)
  • Saturday afternoon Workshop – (ticketed event – $15)


Convention is a place where all individuals are welcome – no matter their stage in their weight management journey. We want you to have a place where you can learn, connect and engage with individuals with shared experiences and build relationships to last a lifetime. You can look forward to the following special events that offer connection opportunities:

  • Convention Attendee and Exhibitor Welcome Reception
  • Friday Night Welcoming Ceremonies
  • Convention Closing Ceremonies: A Time to Reflect, Share and Stay Energized


At YWM2019, nurses and some healthcare professionals have the opportunity to learn what their patients learn and better connect with the needs of their patients when it comes to weight, health, nutrition, exercise, obesity and more – all while earning up to 18 CE Credits! Early-bird CE Credit Rates include:

  • $155 for Full Registration w/ CE Credits
  • $75 for Single-day Registration w/ CE Credits
2019 Convention Schedule

Thursday, Aug. 1

  • 10:30 am – 5:00 pm
    Registration Open
  • 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
    Training Sessions
  • 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
    Convention Attendee and Exhibitor Welcome Reception (included with all registration options)

Friday, Aug. 2

  • 7:00 am – 7:45 am
    Group Exercise Classes and Morning Walks/Runs 7:00 am – 5:00 pm    Registration Open
  • 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
    EXPO Hall Open
  • 7:30 am – 9:15 am
    Breakfast in the EXPO Hall


7:45 am – 8:45 am
Breakfast with the Experts (Special Event-ticketed)

Friday Breakfast Topics

  1. Convention 101: Chatting with Fellow First-time Attendees
  2. Self-esteem: Building a Healthy View of You
  3. Sweet Temptations: Tips and Tools for Conquering Cravings
  4. The ups and downs of Your First Year Following Surgery
  5. Managing Mental Health Conditions and Your Weight
  6. Getting to the Root of Weight Regain: The Balance of Biology and Behaviors
  7. The Path to Healthy Living through the Great Outdoors
  8. Looking beyond the Numbers: Celebrating Non-scale Victories
  9. Exercising with Limitations: A How-to


  • 9:00 am – 9:45 am
    Event Welcome: Navigating Health. Changing Tides. Taking Action!
  • 9:50 am – 10:30 am
    Understanding What Drives Hunger: The Connection between Your Brain and Appetite
  • 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
    What the Science Tells Us about Weight-loss, Weight Gain and Weight Maintenance


  • 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm
    Lunch with the Experts (Special Event-ticketed)

Friday Lunch Topics

  1. Adding Strength Training to Maximize Your Fitness Routine
  2. The Changing Tides of Relationships after Weight-loss
  3. Weighing My Options: Breaking down Obesity Medications
  4. Building Your Healthcare Dream Team: Who Do I Need?
  5. Pushing Past Weight Plateaus
  6. Sleep Health… from A to Zzzzzz!
  7. Moving Beyond the Chair of Despair: Make Your Work Environment Work for You!
  8. Getting Involved in OAC Action: How I Can Help!
  9. Realistic Expectations: Setting Your Health Goals


  • 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm
    Obesity Medications: Understanding the Impact on Appetite, Hunger and Behaviors
    A Complete Look at Mental Health and Obesity: Before, During and after Treatment
  • 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
    Shifting the Approach: How Companies are Responding to the Ever-changing Needs of Patients
    Let’s Get Real about Weight Regain
    Subtopic 1: The WHY: Exploring the Medical Side
    Subtopic 2: Exploring the Emotional Side
    Subtopic 3: Creating Your Nutrition Strategy
  • 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm
    Afternoon Group Exercise Classes
  • 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm
    Friday Night Welcoming Ceremonies Dinner (ticketed event – included with Full Convention Registration)

Saturday, Aug. 3

  • 7:00 am – 7:45 am
    Group Exercise Classes
  • 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Registration Open
  • 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
    EXPO Hall Open


  • 7:45 am – 8:45 am
    Breakfast with the Experts (Special Event-ticketed)

Saturday Breakfast Topics

  1. Avoiding Deficiency: Your Post-op Nutritional Guide
  2. Breaking down Popular Diet Trends (Keto, Whole30, Atkins, )
  3. Preparing for the Mental Health Transition: Before and after Surgery
  4. Navigating the Waves of Stress: Practical Tips and Tools
  5. Your Journey with Menopause and Weight-loss
  6. Lean on Me: Finding the Right Support System to Stay on Track
  7. Supporting Your Loved One on their Journey: A Discussion for Caregivers
  8. Navigating Clinical Trials: How to Find them and What to Know
  9. Denials and Exclusions: Assembling Your Insurance Appeal
  10. Complications of Obesity (Type 2 Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, CVD, ): Let’s Discuss


  • 9:00 am – 9:45 am
    Using Your Values to Empower Healthy Change with Acceptance-based Therapy
  • 9:50 am – 10:30 am
    Exercise – How Much Does it Really Take?
  • 11:15 am – 12:00 pm
    It’s More than Just Weight-loss: What Bariatric Surgery Can Teach Us


  • 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm
    Lunch with the Experts (Special Event-ticketed)

Saturday Lunch Topics

  1. Creating Your Personal Exercise Prescription
  2. An Honest Conversation about Transfer Addiction
  3. A Healthy Approach to Addressing Weight in Children
  4. How to Recognize and Deal with Emotional Eating
  5. Meal Planning: Keeping it Spicy!
  6. Ask the Doc: Plastic Surgery Options after Weight-loss
  7. Expressing Your Identity through Your Fashion ID
  8. It’s Time to Do Something about Weight Bias: A Call to Action
  9. Weighing My Options: A Closer Look at Bariatric Surgery and Devices


  • 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm
    The Future of Customized Weight Management: What Your DNA and Personal Traits Could Tell You
    Tech Tools: The Pros and Woes of Living in a Connected World
  • 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm
    What about the 99%? Exploring Why those Eligible for Surgery Don’t Seek Treatment and Breaking down Other Options for Care
    Empowering Yourself to be YOUR Post-op Nutritional Health Advocate
  • 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm
    Special Workshop: Creating a Place Called Happiness: Fixing Your Foundation in a Broken World (Ticketed event)
  • 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm
    Pre-Closing Ceremonies Reception
  • 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
    Convention Closing Ceremonies: A Time to Reflect, Share and Stay Energized!
Make Your Plans to ATTEND!

Register Today! Visit

Please note: Prices listed above are part of our Early-bird Registration promotion and will last through May 31.


We’re excited to host YWM2019 at the beautiful and accommodating Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina – located right in the center of downtown along the beautiful Tampa Riverwalk! Reserve your room for just

$145/night (Single/Double Occupancy) – a special discounted rate we’ve reserved just for our attendees!

Reserve Your Room Online

To reserve your room online for YWM2019, please visit

Call to Make a Reservation

To make your Reservation by phone, please call (813)-221-4900 and mention the reference code “YWM2019” to receive our preferred rate! The Convention Room Block is filling up quickly, so reserve your room as soon as possible!


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