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We’re Better Together: How the OAC Community Experience is about Connecting

by Mckinzie Step, OAC Community Outreach Engagement Specialist

Summer 2019

In his novel Dance, Dance, Dance, Huruki Murakami wrote,

“People leave traces of themselves where they feel most comfortable, most worthwhile.”

This is truly what the OAC Community is all about!

The OAC Community launched last summer with the vision to be a central space where members from all backgrounds could connect. We are at our best when we work together and know that others who “get it” surround us. Nothing can replace a connection with someone else who knows what it’s like to be affected by obesity.

The OAC Community works to be a place where we can be our truest selves. It’s about helping each other create our healthiest and happiest lives possible. And it’s also about opening those doors for all people affected by obesity. We can’t do that without making meaningful connections.

Why Connecting Makes a Difference

Obesity is often misunderstood and can be challenging to deal with. For many of us with obesity, it’s a part of our lives that can make us feel different or alone. Others care for loved ones or patients who struggle with obesity.

Even with our differences, we all share something great. We all care about obesity. We have similar experiences and hopes relating to obesity for the world we live in. It’s important to share these because we’re in this journey together. We have to hold these connections close and grow them. That’s why the OAC Community is so special!

By connecting with others in the OAC Community, we can:

  • EDUCATE others about obesity, its causes, treatments and the care it deserves.
  • IDENTIFY with others affected by obesity and see we’re not alone.
  • EMPOWER people affected by obesity by supporting their health journeys and spreading hope.
  • CREATE a space where others feel listened to and encouraged.
  • CHANGE the way obesity is understood and treated.
Start Connecting Today in the OAC Community Discussion Forum!

How can you meet and connect with others in the OAC Community? Visit the OAC Community Member Discussion Forum! It is the OAC’s newest Community resource and makes meaningful connections possible.

Connect with other members in the OAC Community Discussion ForumThe OAC Community Discussion Forum is an active online platform where members can:

  • Introduce themselves and get to know one another.
  • Share their thoughts and experiences.
  • Talk about important topics relating to obesity.
  • Find support for the journey with weight management.
  • Support others on their weight management journey.
  • Share the RIGHT education about obesity.
  • Stay informed on what the OAC and other members are up to.

The Forum is one of the many resources available to members in the OAC Community. It is a private, safe and welcoming space to share what’s on your mind with others. The Forum is a place where you can feel accepted and valued while also experiencing the benefit of togetherness.

How to Use the OAC Community Discussion Forum:

  1. To use the Forum, you need to be a registered OAC Community Member. There is no cost to join as a member of the OAC Community. To sign-up, click here.
  2. Visit and log-in.
  3. Your OAC Community account information is your log-in information for this page. If you don’t have an account, follow the steps on the Community log-in page to set-up your free online account.
  4. Customize your profile in the Forum. There are helpful instructions in the Welcome post to walk you through this process.
  5. Join a conversation that already exists or start your own!
  6. Bookmark the Forum in your web browser so you can check back often for new conversations from members.

Keeping the words of Huruki Murakami in mind, the OAC hopes this Forum is a place where you can feel comfortable connecting with others. You can make the Forum what you need by building meaningful relationships with people who share similar journeys and interests. People join the OAC Community every day, so visit often to be a part of new conversations and welcome new members!

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