Take #OACAction with Healthcare Provider Anytime Actions!

Take #OACAction with Outreach Anytime Actions!
in OAC Blog on August 27, 2018

Monday, August 27 is Outreach Anytime Actions Day! Outreach actions are an easy way to take #OACAction by sharing about OAC, its mission and work with your own community. Help us spread awareness!

Taking #OACAction Empowers Not Only Us, but Others
in OAC Blog on August 23, 2018

Taking #OACAction is personally empowering because it helps us discover our passions and strengths. It also makes a difference in the lives of people affected by obesity. Join OAC for Anytime Actions Month, August 27 – 31!

The Power of Community: Reflections from Bjarne Lynderup
in OAC Blog on August 10, 2018

Bjarne Lynderup, a member of the Disease Experience Expert Panel (DEEP), talks about the power of community in supporting our well-being. For those who struggle with weight, finding a solid community can be one of the most valuable assets we have on our weight management journey.

Community Perspectives – Kyle Harris: My Story about Obesity
in OAC Blog on August 3, 2018

Kyle Harris struggled deeply with his weight since childhood and suffered a myriad of health conditions that affected his quality of life. Now, he talks about his health journey after having bariatric surgery and leaves a few words of wisdom for anyone seeking a similar obesity treatment path.

A Mid-year Health Reflection: Looking Back on 2018
in OAC Blog on July 31, 2018

2018 is more than halfway over. Now is a great time to make a reflection on your progress for your goals thus far! How many of these health benchmarks have you hit? What could you do differently to improve your journey?

OAC Community Proclaims Beliefs and Demands
in OAC Blog on July 27, 2018

The OAC Community is proud to officially unveil our core set of Beliefs and Demands which serve as the guiding principles for the work we’re apart of. Please take a moment and share them today!