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Community News

Food As Medicine
in , on October 8, 2015

There was well over 4.5 trillion prescriptions filled in the United States alone in 2014, an increase from 3.9 billion in 2010 according to the IMS Health Institute. A second mass study done in 2010 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that as children aged, their fruit and vegetable intake decreased
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Food and Disease
in , on October 7, 2015

Did you know that you can influence your susceptibility to certain diseases with the very next bite of food you take? Most people know the importance of a well-balanced diet and its role in sustaining our health, energy levels, immunity, and overall functioning of the body, but to what extent does what we eat influence
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How Food Builds the Body
in , on October 6, 2015

The human body is made up of over 25 trillion cells. Similar to human life, individual cells are created — designed to accomplish a particular purpose in the body — and once their mission is complete, the cell dies. Every day, the body is at work to remove old, damaged or worn out cells with
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