Official blog of the Obesity Action Coalition

OAC Blog

World Obesity Day is Here and You Can be a Force for Change
in OAC Blog on

March 4th is World Obesity Day, and obesity-focused organizations around the globe have sent a joint declaration to the World Health Organization calling for a change in the narrative around obesity. Do your part in making a difference! Read on to send a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services about leading the U.S. in being a force for change.

Meet Robert Kushner, MD, Program Co-Chair of YWM2020
in OAC Blog on February 24, 2020

Get a glimpse at the education behind OAC’s Annual Convention and learn about Robert Kushner, MD, Program Co-chair of YWM2020. If you register for YWM2020 by February 26, you might get to have coffee with Dr. Kushner one-on-one!

Register Now for YWM2020 with Limited-time Early-bird Savings!
in OAC Blog on February 20, 2020

The OAC is proud to announce that Early-bird registration is now available for this year’s Your Weight Matters Convention & EXPO, coming to Las Vegas July 9-11. If you register by Feb. 26, you’ll also be entered into a drawing for a special VIP Experience!