HERE’S THE PROBLEM: The federal government doesn’t cover or pay for obesity medications in the Medicare prescription drug program. Washington refers to an old rule that doesn’t allow coverage for drugs meant for weight loss or gain. Also, Medicare Part B only lets some healthcare providers give intensive behavioral therapy for obesity which means not all patients can get the help they need. These old rules do not align with new scientific updates about treating obesity, today’s health guidelines, and the way many government agencies and states understand obesity as a serious disease and cover these medications.

TAKE ACTION NOW: Use the OAC’s tool below to send a letter to President Biden and key health leaders in his Administration. Ask them to cover obesity medications under Medicare Part D and to allow more healthcare providers to offer intensive therapy (IBT) in Medicare Part B.

IT’S EASY TO ADVOCATE: Start by using our simple automated message generator below. You’ll see a draft letter that you can personalize before sending. We encourage you to add your own experiences to the letter to help the Biden Administration see the need for better access to obesity care and treatment.